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Fobs, Keys, & IDs

Fobs, Keys, & IDs

Upon check-in, residents will be issued a fob and/or key that will provide access to their assigned living space. Residents are required to carry their fob and/or key along with their Student ID at all times. Keys/fobs are issued solely to the resident assigned to a living space and are not permitted to be transferred or loaned to other persons.

Residents are expected to swipe their EKU issued fob at the hall’s front desk when entering their assigned Residence Hall. Residents of Grand Campus Apartments are not required to swipe a fob at the front desk due to the open-air nature of the community. All residents are encouraged to be aware of and mitigate tailgating through the front doors.

Frequently Asked Questions- Fobs, Keys, & IDs

What if I lose my fob/key/IDContact the RHC or RA on Duty to report any lost or stolen fob/key in order to prevent unauthorized entry by another person. A replacement fee of $75.00 per item will be charged to the student’s account. Replacement ID cards may be purchased at the Card Office located in the Powell Student Center.

What if my fob does not work?  If the FOB isn't working or if you lose it, you should go to the front desk or call the RA on Duty. 

What if I get locked out of my roomThe front desk will assist you by issuing the spare key or contacting an RA/RHC to unlock your room. If spare keys are not returned within 24 hours, it is assumed the original key is lost and a lost key fee will be charged to the student’s account. Lock-outs will result in a $5.00 fee being charged to the student’s account. Excessive lockouts may be subject to disciplinary action.

What if I drop my /fob/key/ID down the elevator shaft? If assistance is needed with fob/key/ID retrieval from an elevator shaft, please contact an RHC/RA immediately. Fees will be determined at the time of retrieval and are determined by the responding elevator company; fees often run hundreds of dollars.

Emergency Doors

Residents are required to use the front door of the building for both entry and exit. Residents may not use side or back doors, except in the case of a building emergency or if the back or side door is set up with a fob reader.

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